VMWAre OVFtool export fails with error “Failed to create directory”

I am trying to export a VM using OVFtool running on a windows server ovftool.exe –allowExtraConfig –noImageFiles –noSSLVerify “vi://xx.xx.xx.xx/myVM” “c:\myPath” Enter login information for source vi://xx.xx.xx.xx/ Username: myid Password: ************ Opening VI source: vi://myid@xx.xx.xx.xx:443/myVM Opening OVF target: “C:\mypath” Error: Failed to create directory: “c:\myPath” Warning: – ExtraConfig option ‘nvram’ is not allowed, will skip it. … Read more

How can I use openscap to do an offline OVAL scan of a Cisco router?

This doc describes a process of scanning a router’s “show tech” file with a joval utility. I downloaded joval’s trial, but didn’t see that utility. Can openscap do offline OVAL scans of Cisco routers? I want the routers to generate some file (show tech or whatever) that can be validated by an OVAL scanner. The … Read more

I can not remove malware from a laptop?

A computer virus is driving me crazy. The virus types “x” continuously wherever it finds a text field and at the top of open applications ( where the name of the application is displayed). This means logging in is impossible, as soon as a the login boxes are seen, they are populated with “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”. I … Read more

Attempted to do system restore, correct restore point overrun by Install restore points

I recently did some changes to my computer that resulted in unexpected and unwanted results. I had the sense to create a manual restore point before I did this, but I didn’t notice this behavior before today. The changes I made & the restore point happened two days ago. I went to System Restore, and … Read more

How do I get rid of the Chrome extension TopSearchEngine?

Somehow (probably me when I wasn’t paying attention), a plugin was installed in Chrome called TopSearchEngine. I remove the plugin from Chrome every few weeks but occasionally (every few weeks) Chrome crashes and the plugin is reinstalled when I restart Chrome. I don’t know what information to provide to be helpful in answering the question … Read more

How do I get rid of the Chrome extension TopSearchEngine?

Somehow (probably me when I wasn’t paying attention), a plugin was installed in Chrome called TopSearchEngine. I remove the plugin from Chrome every few weeks but occasionally (every few weeks) Chrome crashes and the plugin is reinstalled when I restart Chrome. I don’t know what information to provide to be helpful in answering the question … Read more

Can’t discover the source of virus. Faulty dll is causing many windows pop up

Attached here some samples of faulty bug report windows which pop up occasionally. Nvidia Container: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BEX64 Application Name: nvcontainer.exe Application Version: 1.19.2734.4859 Application Timestamp: 5d8a4cce Fault Module Name: LvHook64.dll_unloaded Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 4ef99ce6 Exception Offset: 0000000180083b64 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Data: 0000000000000008 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale … Read more

Windows defender not removing Program:Win32/Cayunamer.A!ml from system [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: How can I remove malicious spyware, malware, adware, viruses, trojans or rootkits from my PC? (18 answers) Closed 1 year ago. My Windows firewall gives me security alert that my device is affected by Program:Win32/Cayunamer.A!ml. But when I try to remove it by selecting action as Remove, no change … Read more

Reinstall win10 to Remove Possible Malware

I have a suspicion my Dell Latitude 7480 might have malware or another tracking hidden software, and I want to reinstall win 10. I do not have an installation media but Windows is legit and digitally licensed. From within Windows settings: System -> Recovery there is resetting windows (vs. reinstalling). Questions: Is resetting (that is … Read more