need help with logparser on iis logs

I am using logparser 2.2 and need a script that does two things: finding urls that contain a value within referer need to loop over 30 folders logparser -rpt:-1 “select count()INTO feeds.txt from u_ex100302.log where to_lowercase(cs(Referer)) like ‘/feeds%’” Answer for (1,2,3) do logparser “select count()INTO feeds.txt from %%i\u_ex100302.log where to_lowercase(cs(Referer)) like ‘/feeds%%’” AttributionSource : Link … Read more

Working with multi line log entries (log parsing)

Say you have logs like these Thu 2014-10-09 23:55:12: 01: Session 525229; child 0101 Thu 2014-10-09 23:55:12: 05: Accepting IMAP connection from [] to [] Thu 2014-10-09 23:55:12: 03: –> * OK IMAP4rev1 Mailserver 14.0.3 ready Thu 2014-10-09 23:55:12: 02: <– 1 capability Thu 2014-10-09 23:55:12: 03: –> * CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 NAMESPACE AUTH=LOGIN AUTH=PLAIN … Read more

nginx log entries out of sequence, possible to fix?

I have an nginx log parser which relies on fact, nginx log entries placed in sequential order. But from time to time I have log like this: [2015-07-01T08:41:59-07:00] https “GET … [2015-07-01T08:42:00-07:00] https “POST … [2015-07-01T08:41:59-07:00] https “GET … Is there any way to get ngx write log entries strongly sequential or I should change … Read more

Log Parser error with Exchange Protocol Logs

I recently came across Microsoft Log Parser. It is an amazing tool. I am parsing Exchange Receive connector protocol logs but I encounter this error with IISW3C format. C:\TEMP>logparser “SELECT * FROM RECV20170706-1.LOG” -i:IISW3C Task completed with parse errors. Parse errors: 4 parse errors occurred during processing (To see details about the parse error(s), execute … Read more

Disable process id showing in Syslog-ng logs

I configured syslog-ng (version 3.21.1) on a CentOS7 server and found that logs are in following format. Aug 26 12:59:28 radiusd[20142]: 92djvd4654654164nadskj795234dc Reason: pldap: Forind credentials incorrect: Invalid credentials possible I do not require Process-ID (in above log [20142]) in my logs. Thus required syslog-format should be as follows: Aug 26 12:59:28 radiusd: … Read more