Is LastPass vulnerable to FireSheep attacks?

Say I was at Starbucks and wanted to use LastPass… would FireSheep users be able to steal the password/cookie/session? Answer In general, no. In addition to their servers, your passwords are stored on your local machine in an encrypted state, and when you send your password to their server, it’s encrypted with 256-bit AES (i.e. … Read more

Are Random Generated Passwords Secure?

Apps like Roboform that allows generate random password. Maybe there are hacker programs that are smart and know how password generators work which lets them crack passwords easier? Maybe they know some pattern? Also what do you think about LastPass? You passwords are stored in the cloud somewhere. Who knows what can happen there… Administrators … Read more

Why is LastPass Pocket not recommended? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for … Read more

Import passwords from LastPass to Firefox

I have Firefox 48 and Ubuntu 16.04. I’m migrating from LastPass to default Firefox Password Manager. I have exported my passwords with LastPass and it created a file (no extension, but I think it’s CSV). I have installed the Password Exporter extension ( and I tried to import that file, but it say that it … Read more

Firefox keeps suggesting usernames, even though I have disabled the default password manager

I use LastPass as a password manager. I have disabled Firefox’s inbuilt password manager. LastPass has only one entry for the site I’m visiting, but Firefox still suggests many different usernames: How do I stop Firefox from suggesting unrelated usernames? Answer The feature you’re seeing is not related to the password manager but rather form … Read more

What makes LastPass so secure?

I can’t simply understand how using LastPass is secure. All an attacker need to do is to compromise the single LastPass account and then he has also compromised all other websites. What’s so good about that compared to the traditional approach to have separate accounts per site? Is it really better to have one strong … Read more

What’s an efficient way to change my 200+ account passwords?

I have a lot of online accounts, web services, and so on — personal as well as business — so obviously(?) I use a password manager to handle them all. Specifically I use Lastpass but my question applies to any and all: Given the Heartbleed problem and related questions, even if I wanted to change … Read more