How to make Microsoft JVM work on Windows 7?

I am struggling with the following problem. I cannot install MS JVM 3810 properly on Windows 7. When I start Interner Explorer 8 without starting any java 1.1 programs choosing Java custom settings under Internet options causes the crash of the browser. I have some Java 1.1 programs that work well in Internet Explorer 8 … Read more

Do I have a Java Virtual Machine on my Windows 7?

How can I find out if there is Java Virtual Machine installed on my Windows 7? Answer Open command prompt and type in the following: java -version This should give you the version of the JRE you have installed, something like: java version “1.6.0_24” Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07) If that fails, you can … Read more

Is it possible to preload JVM to make starting of little one-shot java applications faster?

Expected algorithm: You start JVM without actual application (only telling it to load some jars), it loads and listens a socket and waits in a background. When you start the application (preloaded_java -cp /usr/share/java/….jar:. qqq.jar) it connects to the existing loaded JVM, loads additional jars (if any) and executes main class. preloaded_java just routes input … Read more

Are there performance differences between OpenJDK and Oracle?

Oracle has recently decided to start charging for commercial use of their JVM. Our team has started to switch over to using OpenJDK instead, and are finding everything seems to be working fine, except we’re getting slower performance. Our servers are linux servers, and according to our performance team, We have observed significant slowness on … Read more

Does Android or Java use more power since it’s running on a virtual machine?

Since Android applications run on a JVM (Dalvik VM) which is basically a virtual processor, and every virtual instruction has to be mapped to the underlying chipset’s native instruction, does this mapping result in more power consumption due to the overhead of this mapping? This question can be extended to Java and also be phrased … Read more

How to fix font anti-aliasing in IntelliJ IDEA when using high DPI?

I use a higher DPI setting which makes IntelliJ (actually Android Studio) have really messed up fonts. I use MacType which renders my fonts beautifully elsewhere, but I guess Java VM somehow intercepts it or something, it’s killing me. Answer I’m on a high-dpi display and I got it working with a perfect font rendering, … Read more