Jenkins CI fails to initialise

I’ve just installed Jenkins-CI on Ubuntu 11.10 as according to the instructions found here, However the service fails to start. The error log shows this: Running from: /usr/share/jenkins/jenkins.war 10 Jun 2012 16:24:06 winstone.Logger logInternal INFO: Beginning extraction from war file 10 Jun 2012 16:24:10 hudson.WebAppMain contextInitialized SEVERE: Failed to initialize Jenkins java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError The entire error … Read more

Jenkins post-test action when test succeeds: pull changes and restart play server

I currently have a server, running a Play Framework instance. The source code of this Play website is located into a GitHub repository. When the repo gets changed, it pokes Jenkins to pull and test the new source files. What I like to do now, it saying something like ‘if the build succeeds, pull the … Read more

How to setup FreeSSHd with Jenkins?

I have Jenkins on CentOS and want to run commands remotely on Windows 7. I managed to set it up for transferring files but when executing commands I always get: SSH: EXEC: STDOUT/STDERR from command […/some.exe ] … AllowDesktopAccess failed. Unable to execute command or shell on remote system: Failed to Execute process. Currently FreeSSHd … Read more

“Manage Jenkins” sub-site cannot be accessed

With the help of apt-get, I installed Jenkins version 1.447.2+dfsg-3. I managed to put the jenkins.war under the directory /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps. When I connect to http://localhost:8080/jenkins, I get the dashboard homepage. I also access all sub-sites, however, the management part …/jenkins/manage fails. The browser needs endless time to connect to it. I tried to google this … Read more

separate code and configuration in Jenkins

I was using home build deployment system, but want to move to Jenkins. One problem is that I do not keep app configuration in revision control system for security reasons. What could be a solution to assemble code and configuration for deployment? Answer Just setup another revision control system for configuration. you can set the … Read more

Can’t get to Jenkins Server from a particular PC

We have a Tomcat application server on buildl02 on our site. This Tomcat instance is running both Jenkins and Sventon. When I type in the address for Jenkins http://buildl02.tcprod.local/jenkins, I get a dialog box that says Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site http://buill02.tcprod.local/jenkins. Operation Aborted. After that, I get the page, that’s says: Internet … Read more

Jenkins: LDAP username/email lookup

My Jenkins LDAP configuration works fine for the user login and user details. The user John Doe can login with his username jdoe and his password. His initial user information (user/jdoe/configure) are correct: Your name: John Doe (HR) E-mail address: But when he commits his changes to SVN and his modification triggers a new … Read more