If I start an Internet Radio Station, and later start a VPN, do the packets just flow across my network?

Say I do the following on Windows 7 Ultimate: Open iTunes and start an Internet Radio Station. Then next I VPN into work. Now at this point (I would think…) the that the iTunes radio station would be flowing over my network and not over the VPN. But! Say I’m still logged in to the … Read more

Transfer ovpn file from CentOs 7 to iOS without iTunes

My openvpn server running on CentOS 7, I’ve got 20 or so users with modern IOS devices half with iOS 11. We generate .ovpn scripts with python, and used iTunes to configure the IOS OpenVPN client, until Apple broke it. As of iTunes 12.7, all features for managing apps have been removed. In particular, users … Read more

How can i enable byte range request?

How can i enable byte range request? While pod casting on itunes it gives an error message “There is a problem with your feed. Your episodes are hosted on a server which doesn’t support byte-range requests. Enable byte-range requests and try your submission again.”. Please give me a method to enable byte range request Answer … Read more