I have a IP address with some open services. How could I contact the owner? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question After having serious problems (DNS incident) I found out an IP address of a machine. Is it in any way possible to contact … Read more

Sending message across the network [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Closed 10 years ago. Possible Duplicate: Send message to another Computer through Network via CmdLine In Windows XP, we had net send. The replacement is supposed to be a command line utility called msg. However when I try to test this using the following command: 11:19:50.94>msg abhi /SERVER:LT2400 Hello … Read more

No messages transferred to Dominoserver?

We have two Lotus Domino servers, both running latest version 8.5.3. in one of the servers we get the below messages on the server console all the time. We have no problems with mail routing, evrything is working fine, but I want to get rid of these messages from the console/log. 2012-02-16 03:02:39 Router: No … Read more

Writing a Script to Delete JMS Queus in Websphere

suppose I have the following JMS queues “doc/queue1″,”home/queue2” and “someOtherQueue” added in a websphere process server, how can I write a script to delete them? looking around the web i haven’t found a solution to my problem yet unfortunately, thanks in advance for the help guys Answer Take a look at the deleteWMQQueue command (for … Read more

Identifying chat apps being used via gmail accounts

Besides being the MD, I am also the Gmail administrator for a small firm and have concerns as to which chatt apps on the iphones, etc that employees are using linking their gmail accounts for confidential conversations. Can a Gmail administrator identify which chatt app is being used to access a gmail account so that … Read more