Icinga2 notifications

I just looked at /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/notification.conf and saw, /** * The notification component takes care of executing service checks. */ Wouldn’t that rather be the checker component? Answer This is wrong and should be fixed. diff checker.conf notification.conf 2c2 < * The checker component takes care of executing service checks. — > * The notification component … Read more

Proper syntax for monitoring an IP in .conf files, Icinga2

I currently have the code object Host “rqbhost” { address = “xx.xx.xx.xx” check_command = “hostalive” } object Service “ping4” { host_name = “rqbhost” check_command = “ping4” } object Service “http” { host_name = “rqbhost” check_command = “http” } This will not allow me to start the icinga service, and the error logs do not let … Read more

Puppet fails on icinga2 using puppet-icinga2 module

I am trying to bring up a box for icinga2 using vagrant and I am using puppet-icinga2 from https://github.com/Icinga/puppet-icinga2/tree/v0.6.2 so I have a role as shown below class role::icinga2_server { class { ‘postgresql::server’: ip_mask_deny_postgres_user => ‘’, ip_mask_allow_all_users => ‘’, listen_addresses => ‘localhost’, postgres_password => ‘password’,} postgresql::server::db { ‘icinga2_data’: user => ‘icinga2’, password => ‘password’ } … Read more

Passing SSH flags to Icinga2 by_ssh plugin

I’m following this guide to use by_ssh on icinga2 instead of NRPE: https://wiki.icinga.org/display/howtos/Using+SSH+as+remote+client+for+Icinga2 The problem I have this that when executing a nagios plugin remotely over SSH i’m getting ‘stdin: is not a tty’ returned, which icinga2 is erroring on. I can stop this on the command line with passing ssh -t, eg: ssh -t … Read more

Is it possible for current versions of icinga2 to configure nodes from master?

I’ve carefully read http://docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/chapter/cli-commands and see command icinga2 repository service which should allow to add or remove services. But when i tried to use it like: [root@D01mplaceAPI d01mplacefe01]# icinga2 repository service remove name=ping6 host=all information/cli: Dumping changelog items to file ‘/var/lib/icinga2/repository/changes/1470133975.6282029-Service-d7535967c0481dbeb28afe542a40e2f0687f4fc5b5fc5abafacbd4c24ff0d9cf.change’ [root@D01mplaceAPI d01mplacefe01]# icinga2 repository commit Changes to be committed: Removing service ‘ping6’ host = … Read more

Applying an Icinga2 service to a host when specified service present on host

Cheers, I have the situation that I want to apply a service to a host, but only for hosts that a certain service (with certain variables). So essentially something like: apply service “foo” { foreach service on host { assign where service.name = match(bar) and service.vars.baz = true } } So if I had services … Read more

Get detailed info via snmp from Juniper switch stack for monitoring

I try to get the following information out of the switch stack for monitoring purposes. Here is the command and its output executed directly on the switch stack via ssh login: root@stack> show virtual-chassis Preprovisioned Virtual Chassis Virtual Chassis ID: cf44.0df5.1234 Virtual Chassis Mode: Enabled Mstr Mixed Neighbor List Member ID Status Serial No Model … Read more

ICINGA2 – wrong host status (DOWN/UP) for a while

I have setup and configured ICINGA2 server on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I added majority of my hosts (mainly Windows hosts) and I noticed that sometimes ICINGA2 shows wrong hosts status for a while (1 minute or so). For example plenty of my hosts are DOWN status but I know that all hosts works properly all … Read more