Java doesn’t work (IcedTea )

I installed IcedTea Plugin on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS using Firefox. I receive this error message: Problem initializing runtime environment. Changing the SecurityManager is not allowed. I am not very technical, so my 12-year old son will handle this. I need someone to help me in easy terms. this is the output: (The output contains links … Read more

OpenJDK not working in Ubuntu 12.10 on Firefox

This is a problem I’ve been facing for quite some time now : installing Java. I have installed the following packages using Synaptic icedtea-netx openjdk-7-jre A few others got installed along with it like icedtea-netx-common and a few others… But the thing is, the Java site still tells me that Java isn’t installed. I’m using … Read more

How to remove openjdk-7?

I want to uninstall java 7 and install the version 6 (as some of programs I would like to use are incompatible with 7). I tried : $ sudo apt-get remove openjdk-7-jre [sudo] password for USER: Reading package lists… Done Building dependency tree Reading state information… Done Some packages could not be installed. This may … Read more

Cannot launch .jnlp file in precise pangolin

I’m trying to install Matlab but I can’t open the download_agent installed from mathworks. It’s an jnlp file, but if I use open with -> IcedTea in nautilus nothing happens, and when I try javaws download_agent or javaws download_agent.jnlp I get the message /usr/bin/javaws: line 66: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java: No such file or directory When trying sudo … Read more

how to enable in chrome icedtea7 java plugin instead of icedtea6?

My chrome browser in ubuntu 12.04 uses iced6 plugin. Test shows java6, but via update-alternatives I switched java/javac to using openjdk-java7 Answer You probably need to manually update a symlink in: /opt/google/chrome/plugins/ AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : karolszk , Answer Author : Gregor