add google calendar to outlook calendar using ical

google calendars can be added to outlook as internet calendars, using the ical link. question: If I want my google calendar to keep being updated in outlook, does the google calendar have to be public? Google says that if I make it public, anyone can find my appointments on google search. I think it doesn’t … Read more

Get event color from Google Calendar to Outlook

I have synced up Google Calendar events to my Outlook (Outlook 365 ,16.0.13929.20222). One feature I extensively use in GCal is to give meetings different color based on topic. Is there a way to sync these colors between Outlook and GCal? Answer As I know, there seems to be no option in Outlook that could … Read more

Stop Thunderbird changing color of Google Calendar events

I have configured Thunderbird to sync with my Google Calendar. The two-way sync works perfectly, but every time I sync Thunderbird with my Google Calendar, it changes the color of all past events to grey (regardless of what color I had originally set for the event). I am using Lightning and Provider for Google Calendar … Read more

Pop-up Notifications stopped from Google Calendar on Chrome+Windows 10

Google Chrome on Windows 10. Confession: I severely locked down those bothersome, non-stop Windows 10 notifications. Afterwards: I still get audio alerts from Google Calendar, but the pop-up alerts (when you’re using Google Chrome, in the past a little pop-up would drop down from the address bar to alert you of the Google Calendar item) … Read more

Sharing meeting rooms/resources across different organizations

My company is sharing an office building with a completely different company. We use Google Workspace, having our meeting room as “resources” in there. The other company is using Exchange. We’re looking for a simple way to share meeting rooms with each other, so we don’t book them at the same time. Is there any … Read more

Get event color from Google Calendar to Outlook

I have synced up Google Calendar events to my Outlook (Outlook 365 ,16.0.13929.20222). One feature I extensively use in GCal is to give meetings different color based on topic. Is there a way to sync these colors between Outlook and GCal? Answer As I know, there seems to be no option in Outlook that could … Read more

Thunderbird Lightning not able to show shared google calendars?

I was wonder if someone could help me out, I’ve set up Google calendars so that i can access another persons calendar and it sync’s to my android phone beautifully, i can see both my events and the other persons, even separates them into different colors. So anyhow – now i go back to my … Read more

How can I sync Google and Outlook 2007 calendars on Windows 7?

very similar to: Sync Google Calendar with Outlook 2007 Calendar But with one caveat. I’m running Windows 7 and Google Calendar Sync is not compatible. Any ideas on how I can sync my Google and Outlook 2007 calendars? Answer OggSync is free if you want to sync only 1 Google calendar with Outlook 2007 (and … Read more