In Windows 10, what default behavior can I expect when a file extension association exists, but a File Type Open Command String has not been set?

Installation of Strawberry Perl inspired this question. Users of Active Perl have reported problems with the <FileType>=<OpenCommandString> pairs created during the installation of Active Perl. For example, ftype perl at the command prompt returned perl=”C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe” “%1″. The named pair should have read perl=”C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe” “%1” %* if you wanted the invocation of file.perl arg1 arg2 … Read more

‘file’ command: specifying search depth for ‘search’ option in /etc/magic file?

How can I specify how far/deep the ‘file‘ command should search in a file to locate a match on a “search” definition ? I am trying to create a universal specification in “/etc/magic” for multi-flavoured Prolog, so that I could do mass-transformation of imported predicate libraries for re-targeting to my personal environment for a project. … Read more

batch move for different file types to different folder name

I have files containing in C:\foldername1\Files\soandso1.mkv C:\foldername2\Files\soandso2.mp4 C:\foldername3\Files\soandso3.avi I want to move the .mkv, .mp4, and .avi back to it’s parent folder, which is foldername1, 2, 3. foldername will be different for each soandso file is in. Basically, I want to get rid of the “Files” folder and have the media files placed in foldername1, … Read more

How to automatically determine filetype by first line in file using vim? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question My vim can determine filetype by first line of file (e.g. #!/bin/bash). But check of first line occurs only at … Read more

How do I make vim use the syntax highlighting of another file location?

I don’t ever use sudo vim /path/to/some.file; I always use sudoedit. However, this means that vim doesn’t see the correct path. As an example, when I open /etc/http/conf/httpd.conf, sudoedit makes a copy of httpd.conf and then uses vim to open that. So instead of vim seeing that file, it sees “/var/tmp/httpdXX3H43AK.conf”(for example). This means that … Read more

Simple document highlighting in Vim

I am looking for a filetype= argument that will format or color document constructs such as lists, headers and sub headrs. Particularly I want the filetype plugin (or syntax plugin) to interpret these formats: Header ====== Sub — Sub2 —- [*] moo [*] foo [*] bar Answer Markdown is sufficient enough or applying basic styles … Read more

vim fortran indentexpr issue

Strange issue here with getting indentexpr=FortranGetFreeIndent() to be set correctly. The first time I open a file (free form, of course), say new.f90, :set gives :set — Options — autoindent filetype=fortran incsearch smartcase autowrite helplang=en mouse=a syntax=fortran background=dark hidden ruler textwidth=72 backup history=500 shiftwidth=3 ttyfast comments=:!,:*,:C hlsearch showcmd ttymouse=xterm2 commentstring=!%s ignorecase showmatch backspace=indent,eol,start fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1 formatoptions=tcql … Read more