Type of code conversion used in Linux executable files

I want to ask that what type of encoding is used to make linux executable files e.g. hexadecemal, binary or anything else. how is it converted ? Is there any way to get back the original code from this executable file? Here’s a bit of code I have: ELF���������>�����%|�����@�������������������@�8��@���������������������@�������@�����7<�����7<������� ������������������f�����f���������������������� ������[�UPX!L h�h�8����������?�E�h=��ڊ̓�N� 4���9ISloB�q�w�]ȉ.��,ς��Q䝦����#e��-�N����/�b,���d<��’��-E��6E�s�/�U���ly�V�Y2]”a��S�.�hU�|�S�J�I�2���X} �G0�;���5d�$���.) what … Read more

How can I run an executable from a CD when it doesn’t have the executable bit set?

A textbook I’m using came with a CD containing a few supplementary applications. To my pleasant surprise, it appears to include an installer for Linux. The readme file on the CD provides the following installation instructions: PC: Linux Double-click on the folder ‘LINUX’ Double-click on the file ‘INSTALL.BIN’ Follow instructions on screen. But doing this … Read more

Fstab doesn’t mount with exec

I have an ext4 partition that I mount using the following fstab line UUID=41dec246-654d-4e35-9d4e-68150e40c5b0 /mnt/Data ext4 defaults,user 0 2 But then I realized that I can’t execute from that partition. I checked my mount options and they were: rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev So I changed the mount options to be more explicit as follows: UUID=41dec246-654d-4e35-9d4e-68150e40c5b0 /mnt/Data ext4 rw,suid,dev,exec,auto,user,async … Read more

How do I execute a file from a FAT USB drive?

I’m trying to install a portable app onto my USB drive such that it is compatible with both Ubuntu and Windows (specifically, a program called eToys). Support is already built into the app for both operating systems – there’s etoys.sh for Ubuntu and etoys.exe for Windows. I decided to install onto a FAT drive since … Read more

Executables vs Shared objects

I noticed something while doing find /bin -exec file {} \; : the file command reports some entries in /bin are shared objects , while others as executables . For instance, /bin/ntfsck: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=312d93fd0d8653e7236a61db2e67b93c63225a00, stripped Same report for gawk … Read more

Command to perform a recursive chmod to make all .sh files within a directory executable?

Trying to perform a recursive chmod on all the .sh files in a directory to make them executable Answer To make this possible you can use the find command and search for all files with a .sh extension and then run the chmod command on each one found: find /directory/of/interest/ -type f -iname “*.sh” -exec … Read more

Is there any way to stop a user from creating executables and running them?

Ransomware attacks could use zero-day exploits, but often an attacker will just fool a gullible user into running an executable by downloading and clicking. Suppose we have a naive user and want to restrict them to the normal path. Is there any way to restrict them from creating a file with executable privilege? Or, more … Read more

Bash: ./filename : Cannot execute binary file

I couldn’t execute a fortran compiled code in ubuntu 11.10 32 bit. Error message is bash: ./filename : Cannot execute binary file. I’ve installed the gcc and gfortran libraries too. Could anyone help? $ file um um: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped … Read more