Event Viewer Task for a specific task

I can create Event Viewer Tasks to react to Event IDs, but I’m having a tough time getting the XML working to react to an event ID to a specific task. I’ve been testing using the filter. The task Details tab gives me: <Data Name=”TaskName”>\MoveEDIFiles</Data> But creating a filter with: <Select Path=”Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational”>*[EventData[Data[@Name = “MoveEDIFiles”]]]</Select> returns … Read more

Events Log source

I am doing a critical review of some software which gathers information about activities on a system. some of the information that is displayed to user is available in the events viewer. This is all good for when im testing the software but I need to find the sources which the event viewer uses to … Read more

Hard disk failure or about to fail Intel RST software RAID-1 volume event log

If any one of the two Hardisk of Intel rapid Storage Technology(IRST) Software RAID-1 is about to fail or already failed, then what event will write in event viewer log and what is the Event ID for that. Answer The answer is here in step 5: http://www.whiz-tech.com/blog/2013/01/01/how-to-setup-e-mail-alerts-for-intel-ichr-raid-failure-monitor-applies-to-windows-2008-server-windows-7/ Intel Storage Matrix Manager: Under “When a Specific … Read more

Group Policy to enable file audit

What am I missing here? I’m trying to enable file auditing so I can see who deleted a file via security logs in event viewer. I created the below group policy Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Local Policies/Audit Policy > Audit Object Access. Enabled for success and failure. The enabled checkbox is checked for … Read more

MSExchange Mid-Tier Storage Event:3019 on Exchange 2013

I am having the Event 3019 on Exchange 2013 with Source “MSExchange Mid-Tier Storage” and have not been able to find any reference on the net for this. No other failures are reported. The server is serving clients normally. Version: Exchange 2013 CU19 Build Number: 15.00.1365.001 Installed on Windows Server 2012R2 64-bit The server has … Read more

Windows Event Log SystemTime format [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 8 years ago. Improve this question The follwing timestamp was created during an Windows Security Log TimeCreated [ SystemTime] 2013-10-07T07:31:09.122037600Z In this timestamp I can’t understand … Read more

Move Event Log in Windows 2012

Ultimately I’m trying to have security logs written to a remote storage, \\Server-Name\Drive-Letter\File_Name.evtx For testing I’m trying to move the default log path from %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Security.evtx to C:\Security.evtx . This however is failing; no errors in logs. I double checked the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Security and the File does point to C:\Security.evtx however logs are still written … Read more

Event ID 3009 on SBS 2003 R2

Getting the following error on my SBS 2003 R2 Server: Server ActiveSync: Unexpected Exchange mailbox Server error: Server: [celeritympp.mpp1.local] User: [jwhalen@mpp1.com] HTTP status code: [409]. Verify that the Exchange mailbox Server is working correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Answer A little more context would be helpful… is that message in the event log? … Read more

Is it possible to connect WinServer eventlog from other domain

I have a virtual machine with Windows Server R2 Ent. In this machine runned domain controler test.local. I have admin(doamin and local) account on this machine. I want to get access to event log of this machine from my dev machine which is on my corporate domain(these domains doesn’t know about each other). I could … Read more