Installing emacs on debian stable stretch

I have a user who needs emacs (emacs-x11, preferred) on Debian stable. I found the following which mentions to “packages built directly from Emacs git master here:” – this sounds like what I need, but I am unsure the commands to install it. We have tried flatpak but found that the window as … Read more

Shorten Emacs timeout of ~/.emacs read

My ~/.emacs start-up file is stored in my AFS home directory. Often when I login to a linux machine I will forget to renew my AFS credentials before attempting to edit a local (non-AFS) file with Emacs. When this happens Emacs will attempt to load ~./emacs but cannot because it is in AFS space where … Read more

Why does Tramp hang when sending Perl scripts to the remote host?

I know that this is not directly programming related, but I’m stumped, and since Emacs is my main programming tool… I am trying to set up Tramp to connect to my testing host. I’m invoking it either using /ssh:host:.bashrc or /scp:host:.bashrc but both of these run into the same problem, sooner or later. They get … Read more

Unable to have a Vim-like keybinding in Emacs

I want to replace the command for moving between windows in Emacs to Ctrl-t The command in pseudo-code (global-set-key “\C-moveBetweenWindows” ‘C-t) How can you remap the command for moving between windows in Emacs? Answer In your ~/.emacs file, include the following line: (global-set-key “\C-t” ‘other-window) This will set Ctrl-t (C-t) to move to the next … Read more

Building (OS X) – make bootstrap or not?

BACKGROUND: I’ve downloaded Emacs from Github’s Emacs mirror (commit f92c4be63204ed0bd914). Using Mac OS X 10.6.4, I’m now about to compile and install MY QUESTION: The nextstep/INSTALLATION doc states nothing about make boostrap. Whereas, at various places on the Internet (following the ./configure –with-ns step but before the make step), I often see that ‘boostrap’ … Read more

How to set PATH variable on Mac OS so that even non-terminal apps see it?

I need to add a directory to my PATH variable on Mac OS. I added it in .bash_profile and .profile, and that works for the terminal. But Emacs ( still does not use the new PATH variable. (I’m trying to run latex from emacs, but it’s not finding the command in my /usr/local/bin, which I’m … Read more