Video editing on Windows Mobile [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Super User. Closed 11 years ago. Improve this question Does anyone know of any video editing software that works on Windows Mobile? Answer There are none, period. Windows Mobile 6.5 and below … Read more

Insert informational content in Video

I’ve recorded a video clip and I’d like to add textual information at certain frames, similar to YouTube where you can add comments at certain screens. Are there any apps available to achieve this? I have a Mac as well as PC (with Vista). Answer If you’ve got Windows Vista, you might as well use … Read more

Audio editor that supports editing cue-sheets with preview?

I have a flac file (which can be converted to wav, if required) and its original cue sheet, is there any audio editor (freeware would be better) that allows me to adjust the start/stop position of the individual tracks from the cue sheet? Answer mp3DirectCut isn’t precise; it’s working on MP3 frame boundaries, typically in … Read more

Insert informational content in Video

I’ve recorded a video clip and I’d like to add textual information at certain frames, similar to YouTube where you can add comments at certain screens. Are there any apps available to achieve this? I have a Mac as well as PC (with Vista). Answer If you’ve got Windows Vista, you might as well use … Read more

Is it safe to edit boot.ini this way?

I installed Windows XP Home from usb (used Win to Flash program) to create the bootable usb), the problem is that windows won’t boot up without the usb drive. I think its looking for the files at the wrong place. I have WinXP installed in Drive E which has this line in boot.ini multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS=”Microsoft Windows” … Read more