Microsoft Excel 2010 Shared workbook – edit conflicts

We are using Microsoft Excel 2010 on Server NT. We log onto the server using remote desktop on our local machines. The excel file we are using has lists of clients, client details and trades that are needed on their jobs (we are builders) My problem is that when I finish a job and delete … Read more

In Notepad ++ 7.3.1 is there a way to display a long list as two columns automatically?

For example, Item 1 Item 45 Item 2 Item 46 Item 3 Item 47 … … Item 44 Item 88 Etc? Answer No, you can’t do this in Notepad++. Notepad++ is primarily a plaintext file editor, so it is not designed for fancy formatting of text (like Word or other “print media” tools). AttributionSource : … Read more

How can I fill in a PDF (not a PDF form) such that each character is in a box

There’s quite a few solutions for typing on PDFs (such as listed in the answers to PDF – What software to fill-out/fill-in a PDF form?), but I have a parallel question which I’ve wondered about off-and-on for a couple of years now. Is there a way to fill up PDF forms which use boxes such … Read more

I can no longer edit rdp files

When I right click on rdp files, I no longer have the “edit” option. The only way to modify the rdp file is to edit it with notepad which is not very convenient. How can I fixe this please ? I need this “edit” option when I right click on rdp files. Thanks a lot … Read more