Can’t install Ubuntu 18.10 on XPS 15 – EFI\BOOT\mmx64.efi not found

I tried to install Ubuntu 18.10 on my XPS 15 9570 earlier. Everything was working fine until I got to the partition selection part of the installation. That’s when the installer crashed and I had to shut down my machine. I think it’s because I had my SATA configuration set to RAID ON instead of … Read more

Windows 10 upgrade kills grub and boot-repair doesn’t help

I’ve just upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 8.1 on my partitioned laptop that has Ubuntu 14.04 installed. Grub no longer appeared on boot so I ran boot-repair from an Ubuntu liveUSB. This didn’t seem to have any effect. I’ve checked and secure boot is still disabled. Log from boot-repair: So what’s next? Update: … Read more

How to get grub2 to remember last choice?

Grub2 – Community Ubuntu Documentation says the following: Saving an OS can be achieved by running sudo grub-set-default if DEFAULT=saved is set in /etc/default/grub. It may also be saved if GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true is also set in /etc/default/grub. In this case, the default OS remains until a new OS is manually selected from the GRUB 2 menu … Read more

Uninstall GRUB and use Windows bootloader

I have Windows 8 pre-installed, and then I installed GRUB with Ubuntu. Ubuntu is not my thing, so now I want to remove it along with GRUB. From what I have learned, with UEFI, GRUB does not overwrite the windows bootloader in the EFI partition and is stored elsewhere. How would I remove GRUB and … Read more

How can I install Windows after I’ve installed Ubuntu?

I have Ubuntu on my laptop. Now I want install Windows 7 in a dual-boot. How can I do this? I can’t lose my Ubuntu files, and I’m afraid that I might break GRUB. Go here for UEFI only! Answer Here’s the general outline: Make space for Windows Install Windows Mount the /boot directory or … Read more

How can I repair grub? (How to get Ubuntu back after installing Windows?)

I installed Windows 7, which ate Ubuntu’s boot file. When starting up the computer, it now goes straight to Windows, without giving me the option of booting Ubuntu. How can I get Ubuntu back? Answer When you install Windows, Windows assumes it is the only operating system (OS) on the machine, or at least it … Read more

How do I install Ubuntu alongside a pre-installed Windows with UEFI?

I’m absolutely new to Linux. I would like to know how to install Ubuntu alongside the pre-installed Windows 8+ OS. Should I do it with Wubi, or through the Live USB/DVD? What steps do I need to take to correctly install Ubuntu? Answer If you are using Ubuntu 16.04+, many issues with compatibility are now … Read more