Couchbase Bucket used memory

I am new to couchbase. I use web console to create new Couchbase bucket with RAM allocated = 100 MB ( for testing only). The thing I don’t understand is : this new bucket has 40MB in-use. What is it use for ? Can anyone explain me ? Thank you very much Answer It’s used … Read more

OpenTSDB Web interface showing nothing other than header and footer

NOTE: I moved the question from stackoverflow to serverfault as this question didn’t attract attention. I have a temporary OpenTSDB and hbase hosted on a aws micro server. I have checked HBase and 2 tables are created by tsdb successfully without LZO compression. I can successfully start the TSDB using the following command. ./build/tsdb … Read more

Error installing php-devel 5.5 CentOS 6

I am trying to run pecl install couchbase but am having trouble with php-devel and its dependencies. When I try to run yum –enablerepo=remi-php55 install php-devel I get the following error. My current version of php is 5.5.16. It looks like I need to update the gd lib but when I run yum check-update I … Read more

Bad protocol version identification ‘POST /adminport/shutdownTopicRequest HTTP/1.1’

Aug 10 17:17:34 myhostname sshd[7081]: Bad protocol version identification ‘POST /adminport/shutdownTopicRequest HTTP/1.1’ from 85.20*.**.** port 60018 Aug 10 17:17:42 myhostname sshd[7082]: Bad protocol version identification ‘POST /adminport/shutdownTopicRequest HTTP/1.1’ from 85.20*.**.** port 60019 Aug 10 17:17:43 myhostname sshd[7083]: Bad protocol version identification ‘POST /adminport/shutdownTopicRequest HTTP/1.1’ from 85.20*.**.** port 60020 Aug 10 17:17:50 myhostname sshd[7084]: Bad protocol … Read more

Couchbase can not access web console

I am running a Vagrant machine on Windows 10 using CentOS 6.7 and have installed Couchbase. For some reason I can not access the couchbase admin from the browser. When testing with telnet 8091 I get this: Connected to Escape character is ‘^]’. Active network connections: Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address … Read more

Reach Couchbase private ip via IPtables Nat Gateway

We have a requirement to reach our Couchbase private IP through from an outside network. We intend to accomplish this through a NAT Gateway which we have created through IP tables. I can telnet the Nat Gateway’s Public IP with the ports that are listening on the private IP of our Couchbase server. But our … Read more