Can I host ONE VM from two servers? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 6 months ago. Improve this question looked around for a bit and I could not find a definitive answer. My setup is for educational purposes as I am in … Read more

Jboss SSL connection persistent

I have a Client code relying on Jboss 5.1 which uses self signed certificates for connecting to credit card servers over HTTPS. Certificate expired on 03-13-2015 9:55 AM and it got replaced the following day around 8:00 PM. This is relatively simple fix but the strange one we noted is the we had certain number … Read more

JCA Connection Pool in Wildfly, how to get the current pool state

I have a Wildfly 9 and one of our JCA Resource Adapter Connection Pools is getting full, so no more connections can be requested. As far as I can tell by now, this is the expected load and I am not loosing connections anywhere (but I keep investigating this). So I need to find out … Read more

Configuring jmx_exporter with tomcat

I am trying to expose some of my spring application metrics (Spring). The metrics are mainly database connection metrics. To do so, I started by configuring a hikari connection pool, then I used jmx. To export the metrics to prometheus then visiualize them with Grafana, I tried to used jmx_prometheus_exporter [][1] I downlaoded the jmx_exporter … Read more

monitoring the size of an SQL Server connection pool

We are trying to track down a performance issue. One theory we have is that we are running out of connections in the connection pool. Is there a way to monitor the size of a connection pool? Answer Have a look at these performance counters: Some of these counters require a change to the … Read more

Commons-DBCP equivalents of Alfresco’s db.pool.idle and db.pool.min?

Alfresco uses DBCP internally, and exposes DBCP parameters via its own parameter names. For instance, db.pool.initial in Alfresco actually refers to initialSize in DBCP. Most parameter equivalences can be guessed by comparing the Alfresco doc and the DBCP doc, but I am unsure for two of them: What are the DBCP equivalents of db.pool.idle and … Read more

Performance-optimizing Oracle 10g on a server that is also a Tomcat JSP app server?

I have inherited a simple RedHat 5 – 64bit platform. It has SCSI disks on RAID1, with 16GB of RAM. Double Core CPU. Oracle 10g, Release 2. This would be a decent platform for running the DB only, perhaps, but the same server in an “A-A mode” clustering (very simple) also runs Tomcat and there … Read more

How to use JDBC Connection Pooling without JNDI DataSource? (in Apache Tomcat)

I have an Apache Tomcat 7 server. I have a quite complex Java Servlet application running on it which needs some MySQL queries per POST. Thus I need a MySQL Database connection to do the query. Currently I use the following Java code to create the DataSource: //db is for example: jdbc:mysql:// DataSource ds = … Read more

Getting the connection pool properties

I have set up a connection pool in tomcat’s server.xml and context.xml. I am using the below code to establish a connection. DataSource ds = (DataSource) context.lookup(“jdbc/TestDB”); ds.getConnection(); Now I want to get the properties like MaxActive, MaxIdle etc. But I don’t see any method that can be called using DataSource object. How can I … Read more

Mongo has a huge log and sometimes hangs the box

My mongodb_mp.log is growing very quickly A tail -f of the file scrolls very quickly Do I need to look into connection pooling? Answer If your log is large, you probably need to rotate it. Connection pooling would be helpful for performance, but you state the problem is log file size. so address log file … Read more