Automating windows configuration [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 3 years ago. Improve this question This is more a workstation question than server itself, but I believe is best suited in this site: I want to automate Windows … Read more

RANCID, but for arbitrary server configuration files

Does anyone have advice on such a beast? I would prefer not to have to install additional software on my AIX machines, so etckeeper isn’t ideal. It’s also not centralized, based on my quick reading. Ideally, I would like something that runs under Linux, logs into a list of named servers, pulls down a list … Read more

Immutable Infrastructure

I’m working on a cloud based solution architecture at the moment and want to take the approach of using an immutable server infrastructure (creating and then deploying new AMIs when updating software, OS, etc). There’s plenty of good reading and presentations out there in terms of the approach and the various tooling to use, and … Read more

HP Rapid Deployment – Change Data Store Path

I am running HP Rapid Deployment (Altiris eXpress Deployment Server 6.9 – Build 164) on an inherited Windows Server 2003 SP2. I need to change the Data Store Path as the default is pointing to the C: drive and there is not enough space there. I would like to set it to the D: drive … Read more

Aliasing (local) in Sql Server

I’ve not read (much) into SQL Server aliasing, it feels like a good, simple way to avoid managing configurations across multiple environments (developing on (local) instance, but production is a DbServerName\Instance), and test environments have different again. To clarify, it’s desirable in my opinion to avoid having to change web.config’s, spring database xml’s manually, or … Read more

Sync Files Between Windows Machines

I’m looking for a solution to sync files automatically across a number of windows operating systems, including Windows Server 2003, 2008 and Windows 7. One of the use cases would be keeping Nagios config files in sync across a number of (identical) machines. I would only need to make the change on one master machine … Read more

storing nagios configuration data in oneCMDB

I want to store my nagios configuration data into oneCMDB(configuration management database). What i trying to achieve is i will be developing a GUI app in which one can edit the configurations and that configurations will be stored into the database rather than the plain text files. I read it’s developer and administrator documentation but … Read more

separate code and configuration in Jenkins

I was using home build deployment system, but want to move to Jenkins. One problem is that I do not keep app configuration in revision control system for security reasons. What could be a solution to assemble code and configuration for deployment? Answer Just setup another revision control system for configuration. you can set the … Read more

What tool can I use to manage the configuration of my Windows Server environments

I help manage environments for an application that uses cloud-based Windows server VMs. The application stack consists of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012, SQL Server 2008, IIS, and SharePoint 2010. I have several environments Dev/Test/Stage/Prod. I am looking for a way to do configuration management of those environments to make sure any environmental … Read more

Static Analyzer for Configuration files

I’m currently planning to analyze csv-reports from our ActiveDirectory and configuration files from our switches with Python. I’m thinking of having seperate modules for each type of data (csv, txt). But I would like to avoid writing much of the testing and reporting capabilities from scratch. Is there a python-module or tool, that can help … Read more