How to search and replace a string in multiple html files within a directory and it’s sub-directories with Windows CMD?

This is requirement is similar to How to search and replace a string in multiple text files (within a directory) with Windows CMD? Part 2 I want to perform Find and Replace on all HTML files inside a folder and it’s sub-folders. Here I am taking 2 inputs from 1 of which is file path … Read more

Spaces in java command line argument

I’ve searched but still don’t know how to resolve this. I am trying to setup a batch script to run this Java command: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_60\bin\”java -cp “AddDocument.jar;Jace.jar;p8cel10n.jar;stax-api.jar;xlxpScanner.jar;xlxpScannerUtils.jar;log4j-1.2.15.jar” java -cp “AddDocument.jar;Jace.jar;p8cel10n.jar;stax-api.jar;xlxpScanner.jar;xlxpScannerUtils.jar;log4j-1.2.15.jar” btd047e p8forHJ!Pecm FileNetP8WSI http://hjipuat/wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM HJIP Sample.iso image/jpeg.AddDocument userid password FileNetP8WSI http://hjipuat/wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM HJIP Sample.iso image/jpeg Instead of the command running, I get the java … Read more

How can I run a powershell command as admin programmatically?

I want to run a powershell command as admin through programming languages as VBScript. I have seen this stackoverflow answer but Start-Process only runs executable and not really a powershell command with arguments. Is there a way to accomplish this? Answer You can use Invoke-Command with -RunAsAdministrator. Although, this only works with containers. > Invoke-Command … Read more

Possible to use & join Long Path Variables in Batch file to call an EXE with those longer variables as command-line arguments? How?

Possible to use Long Path Variables in Batch file to call an EXE with those variables as command-line arguments? How? I read that we can SET various kind of variables in a Batch file. Also, some of these arguments are really long paths. Can they be used as values to pass as Arguments to an … Read more

how to pass password as argument to open command prompt with admin permissions in an automated way

Assume, i logged in with some other user. how to pass password as argument to open command prompt with admin permissions in an automated way. Instead of manual password entry. Tried this, but not working[‘runas’, ‘/user:adavdom\Administrator’,’ca$hc0w1′, ‘cmd’]) Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : karthikai raja , Answer Author : Community

Edit a single batch file that contains a single IP in multiple lines with a new batch file

I have a batch file in C:\Temp\Backup\ that is named backup.bat. In backup.bat the text below exist. I would like to create a batch file that changes the to in backup.bat for every line where is at. The purpose is to have external users edit an IP address once and to avoid … Read more