IIS7.5 – Hosting ASP.NET MVC app and ColdFusion app under one domain

We are developing and deploying an ASP.NET MVC app while will provide new functionality yet there are still parts of the ColdFusion app we still need to live under the same domain. How can we set this up in IIS? The ColdFusion app is setup and functioning in IIS already. Have considered URL Rewrite but … Read more

Jrun in apache config during migration

I am migrating a bunch of websites to new servers and one of them has config options I have not encountered before, specifically: <IfModule mod_jrun.c> JRunConfig Serverstore /usr/local/jrun4/lib/wsconfig/1/somewebsite.com-store JRunConfig Bootstrap </IfModule> From some google searches it apears to be a coldfusion configuration option, HOWEVER there are no cfm files in the website, what do … Read more

Requests masking server name / DAPPER-HOST-IP

For the last few days, I’ve been having a lot of requests to unexisting pages on my server. The worrying part about it is that, when I look at the 404 error log I’ve built for my site, these requests seem to mask my server name: when asking for CGI.SERVER_NAME (that’s ColdFusion’s equivalent to PHP’s … Read more

ColdFusion 9 server not restaring – “Permission denied” errors

I had to restart my ColdFusion 9 server on CentOS because of a memory performance issue, but now the server won’t restart again. When looking at cfserver.log I can see how there’s “Permission denied” errors all along. The ColdFusion application folder (/opt/coldfusion9/) is owned by nobody:root, as that fixed a similar problem that we had … Read more

Coldfusion File Upload Failure

SCENARIO – DEV: Customer uploads 104KB csv File is uploaded to specified directory then read and populated into data table. Request Size Limits Maximum number of POST request parameters 100 Maximum size of post data 20MB Request Throttle Threshold 4MB Request Throttle Memory 200MB DEV is a single server. QA: Customer uploads 104KB csv File … Read more

Apache Issues on Windows Server 2008

I’m looking to reinstall Apache 2.2.25 since I continue to get these errors in the Windows Application log every 2-5 minutes: Faulting application name: httpd.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x51dd049c Faulting module name: zlib1.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x4790446a Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x00002bad Faulting process id: 0x38e8 Faulting application start time: 0x01cfbfd70cdfbc4f Faulting … Read more

New Server configuration need revising?

We have a web server running the following stack: Windows 2008 R2 64Bit Apache 2.2.25 ColdFusion 9 (32bit) Dual Hex Core 16GB Ram The server was pre-configured with ColdFusion 32Bit. Can we install ColdFusion 64 bit ON TOP of the 32 bit version to take advantage of more of the 16GB ram? If no one … Read more