ColdFusion 2018 and BlazeDS DateTime Parse Error for Three Char Daylight Saving Time Code

When using BlazeDS (Flex app) to send dates to CF, and the date sent is within Daylight Saving Time, CF fails with an error [BlazeDS] Error deserializing client message. coldfusion.runtime.locale.CFLocaleBase$InvalidDateTimeException: July 8, 2016 6:00:00 PM EDT is an invalid date or time string. My guess is that this is likely caused by CF 2018 using … Read more

Logging out of one application causes sessions to be destroyed in all other web applications -How to Fix?

I have two web applications deployed in a corporate environment on IE6/8: App A uses smart card authentication, App B is just standard authentication When App A logs out/de-authenticates, it seems to destroy the sessions for App B and cause people to lose work and have to log back in again. App B is based … Read more

Enabling SSL on the ColdFusion 8 built-in web server

So I followed the instructions here with CF8 on winXP: and got the following error: Any idea what is wrong? On FF I get this error: Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to Peer reports it experienced an internal error. (Error code: ssl_error_internal_error_alert) Also there is nothing in the CF … Read more

Is it possible to give a user admin privledges over a service? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here: Closed 10 years ago. Possible Duplicate: How to assign permissions to manage windows service when UAC is enabled? Our network admin set the ColdFusion 9 Application Server service to start automatically, sometimes the service starts and sometime it doesn’t. So is there a way to give a user … Read more