How to use MCabber (a Jabber client) with Google Enterprise Account?

My company has signed up with Google Apps for Business so I have a Gmail address of the form I use MCabber as a chat client and am unable to connect using my working mcabberrc file (which works with my account) with the JID set to the company email address. I have tried … Read more

How can I get Skype-like shared history among all clients using Jabber?

Skype does this neat thing where it sends the same history (event log, message log) to all clients connected to that account. This results in exactly the same chat log on all clients, even containing your own messages in correct chronological order. I’d like that same effect using Jabber. How would that be possible? Currently … Read more

How do I connect a 3rd party XMPP client to Cisco’s Jabber Video?

Cisco’s Jabber Video client does not support Linux. I would like to connect to the rest of my company’s users with a 3rd party XMPP client like Pidgin. Is this possible? The setup terminology is slightly different which is also confusing. Jabber video setup screen: Pidgin setup screens: Any suggestions how to go about this? … Read more

Is Jabber the same thing as XMPP?

I find conflcting information on this subject. Are they the same thing? I’ve read that Jabber is “based” on XMPP. For example: The chat client “Pidgin” has a box for XMPP but seemingly not for Jabber. Yet, it seems to support it. What’s the difference between XMPP and Jabber? Answer From The architecture of … Read more