How to set up a Chromecast without logging in to Google Home?

I have a Chromecast audio and the Google Home app now requires location access and for you to log in. I don’t want to give it either, and therefore it does not help me set up the device. There is no way to bypass the requirements, unlike previous versions. I can’t think of a reason … Read more

Getting Chromecast to work across subnets

I know Google says its not supported. Has anyone got a Chromecast to talk to a client on a different subnet? I have an OpenWRT router connected to my internet providers router (parent router). The OpenWRT network is a different subnet and handles DHCP etc. OpenWRT Network ( and parent network ( The chromecast is … Read more

How does Google Chromecast connect to secured wifi?

Google Chromecast can be set up by going to the setup page on a supported device. But in technical terms, what is actually happening on your device that configures the Chromecast dongle? For instance, if I have a WPA secured wireless AP, how does the dongle “listen” for configuration information? afaik the only automatic way … Read more