Why are the results of a chkdsk scan on drive C: not showing in the event viewer, but chkdsk results for N: are?

On a Server 2008 R2 member server I schedule chkdsk to check drives C: and N:. Only the results for the N: drive are seen in event viewer. In previous Windows Servers, chkdsk results for drive C: appeared in event viewer. Is that still the case or is there another reason why I’m not seeing … Read more

CHKDSK hangs on Vista boot while verifying indexes

I recently dual-booted under Vista x64 and Ubuntu 9.04. Instead of using Vista to re-partition before installing Ubuntu, I just let the Ubuntu installer re-partition the drive. Now when I boot into Vista, CHKDSK runs. It passes the first stage, but it hangs on the second “verifying indexes” stage. If I skip it, everything seems … Read more

chkdsk – ok to run on a Softare RAID1 (Intel RST)?

I am running automated backups on a Windows Server 2016 since a couple of days. We are backing up the System as well as an entire Volume which contains the Server Folders. This Volume is a Software RAID1 controlled by Intel Rapid Storage. Besides the server folders directory there is another folder currently on that … Read more

Is chkdsk with the /scan option enough to check for logical and physical errors and bad sectors?

I checked an external HD connected to Windows Server 2012 R2 with the following command and output (sorry it is in Portuguese – it says there are no problems in the file system and no action is necessary, and no other text says anything significant): E:\>chkdsk e: /scan O tipo do sistema de arquivos é … Read more

Disappearing Hard Drive Space – Server 2012 R2 – Exchange 2016

I have an issue that hard drive space appears to be going missing on my Windows Server 2012 R2 DataCentre virtual machine running Exchange 2016 CU5. By “missing” I mean that the amount of free space as reported by explorer for the drive (20.1Gb) is wildly different from the value I get by taking total … Read more

Resize ntfs system partitions with GParted?

Trying to resize 2 ntfs system and boot partitions (windows 2003 server) using GParted. Goal: Resize D: (/dev/sda1) to ~850G – this is the boot drive with D:\ntldr, boot.ini, etc. Resize C: (/dev/sda5) to 100G – this is the system drive with C:\windows Tried resizing /dev/sda5 first and got the chkdsk error shown in screenshot … Read more