AWS server retired; new instance lost access to S3

My old company has a system with a node.js front end running on an AWS EC2 instance. The instance was ‘retired’ yesterday morning, and I got a frantic call from the CEO because they were down. I got onto the new instance and tried to restart it, and received this error: CDN: Error: Hostname/IP doesn’t … Read more

How to find what hostname a TLS client is connecting to || was: How to find the original service provider of information that is served by a CDN?

ok. first post after years of lurking. and even the title was a challenge in itself… Prerequisite: Company A is providing services via a CDN like Cloudflare, Akamai, CloudFront, … Situation: (My) Client A is requesting information (My) DNS server (dnsmasq) sees the query and resolves an address that points to the CDN Client A … Read more

Office 2019 Not Updating From Local CDN

I have setup an offline CDN for my clients that are on our offline networks to keep their Office 2019 installations up to date. Initial installation of our Office 2019 installer installs version 16.0.10350.20019. Using the Office 2019 administrative templates the clients are checking a network share with the latest Office CDN information. The clients … Read more

Where does content distribution network come into picture for youtube

I have vaguely heard of CDNs (Content Distribution Network) and I suppose they come into picture in context of multimedia(audio/video) online sites like youtube. My question is what really are these CDNs?. Do they just mean that data is replicated at many nodes, so a user request is catered from the node nearest to him/her … Read more

how to make cdn server ubuntu system

I am searching for a software that can be use for setup CDN Server on ubuntu system i also have tried Squid Cache but unable to setup it please anybody suggess me software that can be used for make CDN server on my ubuntu system Answer Try to use Ubuntu OpenStack cloud you can download … Read more

YSlow always tells me my content is not served from a CDN

YSlow always tells me my content is not served from a CDN no matter what value(s) I put in about:config extensions.yslow.cdnHostnames. I’ve tried entering,, basically every variation I could think of and no matter what values I configure it never acknowledges it’s hosted on a CDN. Is this just a giant bug … Read more

What’s the point of these “random” subdomains on CDN, etc?

I’ve noticed a lot when using CDNs (streaming videos, files, etc) you download from a terrible-looking random-looking URL that looks something like or YouTube uses ones like https://r8— The thing is: what’s the point of these and why are they used? How do DNS records propagate so quickly when generated? Answer Only … Read more

How do CDN (Content Distribution Networks) work?

Taking Akamai as CDN. From what I understand, when a client requests a page, the request goes to Akamai central server, which then depending on the location of client, picks up an Akamai edge server and subsequent requests from client goes directly to this edge server. My question is that: When a client would request … Read more