OpenShift internal docker registry inaccessible

I am trying to connect with the internal docker registry of an openshift cluster with /bin/docker login -u user -p password` `oc get svc -n default | grep docker-registry `:5000 Getting the following message: Error response from daemon: Get https://VirtualIP:5000: cannotconnect Answer I’m going to assume that you are using OpenShift version 4. Possibly this … Read more

Agent job Failed | ##[error]No hosted parallelism has been purchased or granted. To request a free parallelism grant,

When i running the pipeline job in azredevops it’s getting the below error., Please check and provide us the grant permissions. ERROR: ##[error]No hosted parallelism has been purchased or granted. To request a free parallelism grant, please reach out to with your name and organization name When i sent a mail to above mentioned … Read more

TFS 2015 has 8 collections need to migrated to Azure devops

We have a 2015 TFS server with 8 collections to be migrated to Azure devops. I have tried Microsoft Azure devops migration tool but it is considering each collection as single organization but we want to all 8 collections under one organization. Each collection has different projects. Is there any way to do this? I … Read more

Adobe Reader DC automated install using PowerShell

I wanted to automate the installation of Adobe Reader DC using an existing executable file (AcroRdrDC1501020060_en_US.exe) present in my local computer with a PowerShell script in non-interactive mode. My current PowerShell script is: Start-Process -FilePath “C:\newDir4\AcroRdrDC1501020060_en_US.exe” -ArgumentList “/sAll /rs /rps /msi /norestart /quiet EULA_ACCEPT=YES” -Verb RunAs But I am facing issues when automating it through … Read more

How to connect BitBucket Server on Azure VM with Azure DevOps?

I have a Azure VM with BitBucket Server Installed. How do I connect this to Azure DevOps for establishing a CI-CD pipeline ? Answer You would need to expose your IaaS VM instance externally by way of a PIP (don’t forget to lock it down with an NSG) to allow Azure Pipelines to connect to … Read more

error reading configuration while deploying to aks

I am using Azure devops for regulation CI/CD in my project , i have a kubernetes cluster running through aks(azure kubernetes service) , i have used azure repo and everything and , every required file(viz. azure-pipeline file and services and deployment) is auto generated and i haven’t altered anything in it , it builds nicely … Read more

Access denied issue with NEW-PSDrive commandlet

I have two machines: Machine A(Windows Server 2012 R2) and Machine B.(Windows 10) We use Machine A to host an ASP.NET Web application, Machine B is my development machine Both A and B are behind a corporate firewall and are joined to an Active Directory domain. When I try to mount a PS drive on … Read more