How can I setup two or multiple reverse zone for one IP with bind9?

When I try to define reverse zone with same IP the as reverse zone named-checkconf throws: $ named-checkconf named.conf.cust_zone named.conf:63: zone ‘’: already exists previous definition: named.conf:52 My config file. … // zone for the 1st domain zone “”{ type master; file “file” } // reverse zone for 1st domain zone “” { type master; … Read more

DNS zone servicing concepts

Currently I am working out some concepts about how DNS works and am running into a question I can’t easily find an answer to on the internet. I am looking for an answer based on a set of questions regarding the following scenario: Server01.example.local and server02.example.local are both generic DNS (BIND, Windows, etc.) servers. They … Read more

Can a non-authoritative name server give any response it likes to?

Our domain registrar allows us to either make use of our own DNS servers or to use theirs (configuring DNS entries in their web interface); I suppose this is a common situation. We have opted to set up our own DNS servers. Now, the registrar’s DNS servers (which are no longer authoritative) return a response … Read more

dns hierarchy not returning ip address

(DNS1 ,WWW1, Gateway1) (sub-internal network) (DNS0,WWW0,Gateway0) (internal network) DNS1: WWW1: Gateway1: /24 (internal) :: to (external) DNS0: WWW0: Gateway0: (internal) :: 69.94.x.x (external, dynamic ,isp control) Expected behavior: When using dig from internal ( hosts, and query about domain from nameserver’s hosts (for which its authoritative), it should … Read more

Authoritative DNS for other domain requirements

We’re moving dns servers (managed with bind) for our main domain (let’s call it to new servers. Since we’re having some issues to update glue records with current registrar we thought to change authoritative dns servers to another domain (that we directly manage) Current setup is dig -t ns ;; ANSWER SECTION: … Read more

Is there a way to have Bind act as an authoritative server for a zone with incomplete records?

Sorry i don’t really know how to phrase the question, perhaps let me explain the scenario. Say I own the domain, and I’m using AWS Route 53 as my DNS. I want to have resolvable to an internal IP address when I connect to my VPN I have setup a VPN server and … Read more

Is authoritative nameserver IP address cached by Recursive resolver?

I know that A,AAAA records will be cached by Recursive resolver and stub resolver. When a person searches a subdomain/domain, if it is CNAME record which is searched, the Resolver gets the corresponding domain name( because CNAME record value will also be domain ) and pass it to the client. Now does the Resolver repeat … Read more

Multiple authoritative DNS server on same IPv4 address

I’d like to maintain a DNS tunnel on my self-hosted server at I also have a DNS server on it, which serves everything for I’m currently using dns2tcp for DNS tunneling, on the domain NSD3 is used for serving authoritative zones, because it is both simple and secure. However, I have only one public … Read more

Nameserver response has no authoritative bit set

I know that the authoritative name servers for are Now, I do this: dig And the response is: ; <<>> DiG 9.11.3-1ubuntu1.8-Ubuntu <<>> ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 64710 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, … Read more

I am confused about the Authoritative DNS Server actual definition

I search for this a lot and the answer is the same everywhere: Authoritative servers give either the answer or “NO”, the host does not exist. Non-Authoritative servers use either cache or a forwarder. please just answer these questions and i’m on my track: Is a DNS Server that answers an iterative query with “I … Read more