What is the suitable H/W compatibility for av-1 encoding

Some videos are transcoded, h264 on ARM machine, h265 on Intel Skylake and av-1 on Intel RocketLake. File savings are better with av1 at the same quality but still at a high computational cost. Avg computational cost in secs, h264 => 14.77 h265 => 25.66 av1 => 85.00 No luck on wikipedia, what is the … Read more

ffmpeg transcode twice compress further?

I have a collection of avi videos (say A). I first convert them into MPEG4 Part2 (say B) using ffmpeg -i ${inname} -vf scale=340:256,setsar=1:1 -q:v 1 -c:v mpeg4 -g 12 -f rawvideo ${outname}. The total file size is 3.5G. Then using B as input, I apply the same command to transcode B again into C, … Read more

Thumbnail disappears when transcoding AVI to MP4 with ffmpeg

When I try to convert an very old avi to a mp4 with ffmpeg, the thumbnail disappears. Is there a way to preserve the thumbnail or auto-generate one directly from the video stream, for example, using the first frame, without having to save an image and then add it? Using Win10 and trying to view … Read more

Free batch conversion from FLAC to Apple Looseless (ALAC/m4a)?

I am looking for a free tool that would allow me to convert big amounts of FLAC files to Apple Looseless (ALAC) while preserving the tags and optionally adding new ones from CDDB or similar sources. At this moment I’m more interested in a Windows utility but you are free to recommend OS X ones. … Read more

Transcoding with UVD?

Is there a way to use UVD for transcoding? E.g. for decoding video for recompression. I’m not looking for accelerating the actual encoding process, just the decoding. If it’s not possible, than is it a hardware limitation? Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : KovBal , Answer Author : Community

Why does VLC cut off the end of my video when transcoding?

I am trying to “bake in” a custom made subtitle file (Advanced SubStation Alpha) for a short (3:46) video. However, despite trying an assortment of commandline options, VLC seems to always cut off the end of the video. Depending on the parameters, it cuts anywhere from a few seconds up to about 1:05 off. The … Read more

How can I reduce the choppiness of my ffmpeg conversions

Here are the options I’m sending ffmpeg: ffmpeg. -i input.flv -crf 18 -profile:v baseline -level 3.0 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset veryslow output.mp4 Here’s the input file: http://ct.recorder.s3.amazonaws.com/vid_test001.flv And here’s the same video encoded by ElasticTranscoder http://ct.recorder.s3.amazonaws.com/vid_test001.mp4 And here’s the file that I get from using ffmpeg http://ct.recorder.s3.amazonaws.com/vid_test002.mp4 The resulting video from ffmpeg is choppy and appears … Read more