ffmpeg libx264 is noisy

After converting video with ffmpeg to H264, my video is noisy. ffmpeg -i -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -c:v libx264 -c:a mp2 out.mkv Normal: Noisy subtitle: Same result with tag preset ultrafast, slow. Same result with GPU transcode. Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : mohsen nayyeri , Answer Author : Community

what is the limitation on max cuda instances for video transcoding?

I have set up Nvidia V100 card on Azure Nc6s_v3 virtual machine. I have set up the latest CUDA driver and SDK. I compiled sample programs from “Video_Codec_SDK_9.0.20” and verified the max parallel transcode sessions using AppTrans binary. What I found is I can run 25 parallel transcode instances (25 decode, 25 encode), 26th instance … Read more

Transcode h265 to h264 “on the fly” for software NVR

I wonder if anyone has experience with transcoding h265+ to h264 in real-time? I’m having an IP-cam that only outputs h265 that I would like to use for surveillance purposes. The camera is the latest-generation Annke C800 (I91BF). I use a software NVR called Frigate (https://github.com/blakeblackshear/frigate) that detects motion in the sub-stream and performs object … Read more

ffmpeg libx264 is noisy

After converting video with ffmpeg to H264, my video is noisy. ffmpeg -i -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -c:v libx264 -c:a mp2 out.mkv Normal: Noisy subtitle: Same result with tag preset ultrafast, slow. Same result with GPU transcode. Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : mohsen nayyeri , Answer Author : Community

Issue transcode MPEG2 to DNxHD120

I use the software Kdenlive in Archlinux OS to transcode a 1 hour of video (1:12 :10) in Mpeg2 format in 1440x1080px 50i to DNxHD120 1920×1080 25p. Kdenlive print those parameters in the transcode’s window : -s 1920×1080 -r 25 -vb 120000k -threads 0 -vcodec dnxhd -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 48000 %1.mov. The problem is : … Read more

FFMPEG – Merging .wav files with acrossfade and getting audio crackling

i’m merging two audio files into 1 with a acrossfade filter. Here is my acrossfade filter config: acrossfade=d=10:o=1:curve1=cbr:curve2=cbr; The merge is working well, but for some files it results in a intense audio crackling when both of files are playing togheter. Thanks for any help. I’m using fluent-ffmpeg, but the commando line should be it: … Read more

Parallel transcoding with FFmpeg on M1 Mac

I’m trying to determine how effective an M1 Mac would be for transcoding video using FFmpeg (specifically resizing and adjusting bitrate). I can do single transcodes using a command like this: ffmpeg -I in.mp4 -nostdin -c:v h264_videotoolbox -c:a copy -vf scale=1280:720 -b:v 8000k out.mp4 Now, when I run this, I can see the process in … Read more

What is the suitable H/W compatibility for av-1 encoding

Some videos are transcoded, h264 on ARM machine, h265 on Intel Skylake and av-1 on Intel RocketLake. File savings are better with av1 at the same quality but still at a high computational cost. Avg computational cost in secs, h264 => 14.77 h265 => 25.66 av1 => 85.00 No luck on wikipedia, what is the … Read more