Applescript to extract YouTube Livestream Video ID

I want to develop an Applescript to extract youtube live stream video ID using the Channel ID. Currently, I’m doing it manually as Youtube changes live stream video ID time to time. For an example, I’m practising following; Open Right-click on the player and select “Copy video URL” This URL is used to an … Read more

How do I disable the option + space full screen slideshow shortcut?

I want this shortcut to run an apple script to open a new iTerm window. I can’t when I use the shortcut in Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services it does not register, and I think it’s because it’s already taken by the slideshow. I can’t find the slideshow hotkey in Keyboard > Shortcuts, so maybe … Read more

Is there a way to enter ‘tab’, ‘function’ or ‘escape’ keys as keyboard shortcuts for voice control Mac OS X?

I am using voice control in Catalina OS beta 5 to map various keyboard shortcuts to custom commands. Most key shortcuts like “command-f” work just fine, but any key shortcut that uses either the ‘tab’, ‘function’ or ‘escape’ key cannot be mapped. I would like to make a command to use ‘function-right arrow’/left arrow, but … Read more

indesign duplicate filelink and update link

i have indesign file with image inside, how I can duplicate the original image in the desktop and relink to the copy in document? I try this code in script (but he don’t duplicate the file): if(app.documents.length != 0){ if((app.documents.item(0).allGraphics.length != 0)&&(app.selection.length != 0)){ //A production version of this script would probably include //a more … Read more

toggle iCloud preferences from terminal or applescript

I’m looking for a script to toggle iCloud preferences in system preferences. I need to automatically uncheck all the voices (Photos, Mail, Contacts, etc) leaving only iCloud Drive and Find My Mac. In iCloud Drive settings I also need to uncheck everything, leaving only Desktop & Documents Folders Is there a way to do so … Read more