AWS Lowest latency infrastructure

I’d like to setup the most correct and lowest latency infrastructure for AWS. I would like to serve static Javascript files over CloudFront, and on top of that – a call to a dynamic server that will return an invocation to a Javascript function that was declared before by the files served by the CloudFront … Read more

How to add IP to in existing inbound rule in a security group of Amazon EC2?

I am using Amazon API via a Lambda function to allow my teammates access my server. Using post method I am invoking this lambda function to add teammate’s IPs in inbound rule. I want to add IPs to an existing rule like this add IPs in single rule but there is no method/action available in … Read more

Unable to set storage size for an AWS database cluster

I’m attempting to find a solution for this AWS restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot yet no instances however when I try to run the create_db_instance method I get the following error – *** ClientError: An error occurred (InvalidParameterCombination) when calling the CreateDBInstance operation: The requested DB Instance will be a member of a DB Cluster. Set storage size for … Read more

AWS Lambda function to create multiple databases is only creating the first

I have an AWS Lambda function that I’m trying to use to create 3 new databases every night. It takes the most recent snapshot from each server and runs restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot. Its meant to give our devs access to production data without obviously using the production database. The problem I’m having though is that its meant … Read more

AWS Lambda Policy – Allow to edit lambda functions depending on the user

When creating AWS Policies, is there a way to create a policy that Allow to view, edit and create lambda functions depending on the user that create that function before? I’m trying to do that, but I can’t find information about the condition or parameter of “User who created / updated / deleted the function” … Read more

AWS serverless setup for recurring tasks?

I have a database consisting of many items. At least one time per day I want to loop through all items in this database and for each item, call an external API to fetch current data about this item and store it in my database. With this scenario in mind, I was thinking of using … Read more

MongoDB hosted on EC2 connection issue

I am a front-end programmer trying to learn more backend technologies. I setup a Mongo database on an EC2 server, and I have a lambda function that I’m trying to make connect to my mongo database. import * as mongoose from “mongoose”; mongoose.Promise = global.Promise; let isConnected: boolean = false; export const connectToDatabase = () … Read more

How to block a request which does not has a header using Amazon Web Services

My application back-end was laid on AWS Lambda and exposing API’s using API Gateway. And forntend on CloudFront. I want to block a request which does not has a header using AWS service. Can anyone suggest me which AWS service will helpful to do this and what is the process? Answer AttributionSource : Link , … Read more

AWS Lambda needs to be moved in different Subnet

I have a Lambda function that is in VPC-A and Subnet 1A and 2A. I want to move it to Subnet 1b and 2B. The command below is giving error: aws rds modify-db-subnet-group –db-subnet-group-name “XXXX” –subnet-ids “XXX” “YYY” “ZZZ” The error is: Some of the subnets to be deleted are currently in use: subnet-ABCD, subnet-WXYZ … Read more