Remapping Function Keys for media vs. Alt + Function Key for specific app

I have an HP Laptop and I finally got around to changing the BIOS setting to reverse the annoying Fn+Function Key “feature” since I regularly F2, F5 & F11 with VBA & Office (a lot more often than I need to change screen brightness, etc)… People can do whatever they want with their function keys … Read more

What are the effects if i run this script?

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #=::Return ; Disable Alt+F4 !F4::Return Answer The only thing this script … Read more

Windows 10 alt+end outputs a smiley

I use Resharper in VS2017 every day and noticed this morning when pressing alt+end that a smiley now appears. This is me pressing alt+end: ☺ I then noticed that alt+ some others also produce odd characters: alt+pgup: ○ alt+pgdn: ♥ This is driving me insane. Any ideas? I’ve checked the keyboard and language/regional settings but … Read more

Using Alt+A clears all text in a textbox

While entering text into a textbox in Greenshot editor, when I press AltA combination (which is needed for the Polish letter “ą”), the whole text entered so far disappears. I’m using Greenshot on Windows 7 x64. Here is the recording of what is happening. This is the version I’m using: Does anyone know how to … Read more

X-Window can not distinguish between left and right buttons

I installed Windows Subsystem for Linux and Debian on my MS Windows 10. In the console, switching languages(English <-> C/J/K) works well using Right Alt key. But, in the X environment, I cannot switch languages. I checked key code using xev. Surprisingly, I found that the codes for the left and right Alt keys were … Read more

Microsoft random fonts for alt characters

I often use simple alt codes (e.g. µ, °, Ω, ±, in the sub 256 range) in Microsoft products like Word, Outlook etc., and usually they work fine. But occasionally the software insists to change the font, and the font appears random. For example, this morning in an Outlook email it changed to “Malgun Gothic”. … Read more