Email alert when private keys read from disk (honeypot, auditd)

I’d like to receive an immediate alert every time something reads the contents of my private key on Debian Linux. How can I do that? I have an RSA private key stored on my server’s disk at the following location: /etc/ssl/private/super-secret.key It’s only readable by root, but I still want to have a log of … Read more

Blackbox-exporter modules header

How to provide headers in modules in blackbox.yml. module: prober: http http: headers: Authorization : “—-” This returns in error parsing config file:yaml: unmarshal errors Answer Look’s to like a syntax error. This line Authorization : “—-” should be: Authorization: “—-” AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : Ravi , Answer Author : Henrik Pingel

Need an alerting system if my cloning script fails [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Closed 9 years ago. Possible Duplicate: How to repeatedly call rsync until files are sucessfully transferred I’ve configured a nightly rsync to mirror one server to a standby offsite backup server. The total datastore on the primary is 1.5TB. In the course of getting this working, I ran into … Read more

Creating custom alerting policies using data streamed to the cloud from a sensor

I was looking for information and help on how to use data acquired from a sensor device and uploaded to my google cloud project as a metric for an alerting policy on Stackdriver Monitoring. Currently my team and I are using BigQuery to query the data from the sensor device if that helps. The main … Read more

GCP Monitoring Alerts – Can you take an average across metric attributes?

We’re using Bluemedora BindPlane to send on-prem utilization metrics to GCP. In so doing, we’re trying to create a GCP monitoring alert that will alert us if the CPU % for a server goes and stays above 95% for 15 minutes. But we’re getting an alert incident for each core. Is anyone familiar enough with … Read more

Monitoring whether Google Apps email address is reachable

Backstory: I bungled things a bit the other day, and inadvertantly deleted the DNS overrides for my domain including the MX records that point to Google Apps, causing 2 days of lost emails. What I want: I want to be able to monitor the email address/account so that I can be alerted if for any … Read more

GCP: Way to get “paged” via the GCP Cloud Console Android app?

I’m using GCP and have set up the GCP Cloud Console Android to notify me of errors and alerts. But my phone is on silent/vibrate most of the time and I miss alerts. Is there a way to get the GCP Cloud Console Android app to always notify me at full volume? (My previous experience … Read more