How to change default debug perspective in Eclipse?

While debugging, Eclipse opens its Debug perspective. I’ve made some changes to this perspective and saved it with other name. Is there a way to change default debug perspective to one created, so it would open when debug starts? Answer In the Preferences menu choose: Run/Debug -> Perspectives There you can select for each Application … Read more

vscode change linenumber color

How can I change the color of the line numbers in VS code Often times the line numbers are to dark to make out. Answer Version 1.12 introduced new workbench theming options (they were experimental in 1.11). There is a setting for the color of line numbers: “workbench.colorCustomizations”: { “editorLineNumber.foreground”: “#999999” } Some themes also … Read more

How to change to new themes in PyCharm?

so I installed these PyCharm themes here Installed into a random folder, but where do I put these themes so I can change them in PyCharm? Currently I still only see default, and Darcula. Answer File -> Import Settings -> select the .jar file and restart PyCharm. If it isn’t applied automatically you can … Read more

How to prevent VScode from closing editor when pressing ctrl+w with no tabs open?

According to the comment here: it’s possible to edit this behavior in the keybindings, but provides no instructions for how to do so. How do I edit the VScode keybindings so that if I press CTRL+W with no open tabs, it doesn’t close the editor? It’s highly annoying to be trying to close a … Read more