Protocol analysis for flash app

Need analyze (reverse engineering} one flash application protocol. My idea is setup some proxy server, and capture all comminication thru. What proxy server can do this job? Or, is here better solution? I can use Linux, freebsd or Macosx. Answer All you need to capture the data on the network is Wireshark. AttributionSource : Link … Read more

What % of IT shops (if any) disallow Flash on their corporate desktops?

My company is considering rolling out a desktop windows application with a dependency on Flash (swf.) The product manager is concerned that IT/IS/ops shops might have a policy of not allowing flash players to be installed on their networks. Could this be? Are there IT/IS/ops shops that actively disallow Flash from being installed? Is there … Read more

Real time transcoding of multiple RTMP-Streams

I am very frustrated after talking to many companies doing live-streaming or selling streaming-products and I hope someone could get me to the right direction. Here is my problem: We are broadcasting sportevents live to the internet via flash media encoder. At the event locations we mostly have just 2 mbit upstream. So at the … Read more

Need advice on how to set up live video streaming to web/mobile devices

I have a bunch of live udp video streams that currently are viewed by set top boxes in my network. I would like to pick this video up (I can do this with vlc now) and stream it out to other non-STB endpoints (webpage or a phone/tablet of some sort). Right now I am able … Read more

Server bandwidth usage with rtmp streaming of video

Quick question – I am streaming video from Cloudfront using RTMP streaming via an SWF-based flash player on my EC2 instance. With this setup will I see I/O data from the EC2 instance on account of the streaming via the flash player on the server? Thanks in advance for any ideas. Answer You will see … Read more

Disable Adobe Flash update prompt

Is there a way to disable the Adobe Flash update prompt? I have tried saving settings to mms.cfg in the appropriate folder (\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash) yet this does not yield positive results. I need to disable the updater since Power Users get prompted for this message and they do not have the rights to install since we … Read more

How can I use a VPN for specific applications which then connect to multiple squid IP’s?

Ok here is my exceptionally confusing dilemma I’m hoping someone here can help me with. 1) I have a home computer setup to check my remote website’s functionality & load time. 2) I have 5 remote servers running squid (in different countries) each server has 5 IP’s Right now I simply use Internet explorer on … Read more

Interaction .asp with .swf flash – good on IIS6, bad on IIS7

I can’t make my app work after migration from IIS6 to IIS7. Problem is described below. My app: in my app I use ‘flash.swf’. This .swf appeals to .asp, which contains only: Response.write “<myNode>test_is_ok</myNode>” .swf must get it and show “test_is_ok”. And it is really ok on IIS6 2003, but on IIS7 2008R2 .swf shows … Read more

How to install/configure ffmpeg to compress mp4 videos for flash player delivery?

We have a flash web-app that created interactive video, and are using ffmpeg to do some compression/resizing when a user “publishes” their project. The user can upload flv files and mp4 files, both of which play fine in the Flash UI before publishing. After publishing the flv files work fine, but the mp4 files will … Read more