Adium Transcripts are stored with messages colored white

My chat transcripts are stored correctly, but when I open them up the other person’s chat messages are all wrapped with a span turning their message white. <message sender=”” time=”2016-10-13T16:57:53-0700″ alias=””><div><span style=”color: ##000000; font-family: Lucida Grande; font-size: 12pt;”>FOO</span></div></message> This makes it so that when I try to view transcripts in the Adium transcript window I … Read more

How to recover Adium ICQ contacts when the account is locked

I recently got locked out of my 10+ year old ICQ account for no good reason — the password just stopped working one day. Password recovery doesn’t work and I never gave them an email address anyway (at least that’s what I think, it’s been a while). When I start Adium, it asks for a … Read more

How do I disable notifications in Adium?

I feel a bit dumb asking this, but I’ve scoured the preferences and can’t find any option about how to disable the built-in notifications (ie, not growl) which are shown when a contact comes online. I’m using Mac OSX 10.6, latest version of Adium. Answer I think you are looking for Preferences –> Notifications (I … Read more

Adium stopped working with pastes from other users

I see stuff like this now anytime someone changes their font or pastes a link. <im:html xmlns:im=’’><xht:body xmlns:xht=’’><xht:p>for example, <xht:a href=’′></xht:a></xht:p></xht:body></im:html> Not sure why it’s not being parsed. Any ideas on how to fix this? UPDATE: Fixed in Adium 1.4.3rc1. See bug ticket. Answer This appears to an issue with OS X Lion iChat clients … Read more

Mac: How can I have Adium reindex the chat logs for searching through the Chat Transcript Viewer window?

In Adium, When I go to the Chat Transcript Viewer window to search for stuff in the chat logs, it not always finds what I want. Is there an index file that I can delete to have it reindex the logs? Or does it use spotlight in the underpinnings? Where would said file be? Answer … Read more