Configure Active Directory on Windows 7 [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Server Fault. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I am to configuring Active Directory on Windows 7. I have followed this link and installed AD LDS. But i am unable to … Read more

AD LDS – LDAP – How to set group’s rights on container

I installed AD LDS on a W2012R2. Everything is working fine. Now, I want to create new Roles, to grant to groups permissions to create/modify/delete users in a certain container. (I used this article) For example, this is my instance : OU=extra,DC=domain,DC=local |–CN=LostAndFound |–CN=Roles |–|—-CN=Administrators (Created by default) |–|—-CN=Readers (Created by default) |–|—-CN=Users (Created by … Read more

Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) best practice for clustering

We decide to use Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) for our application. But we cannot find the guide for clustering this service. Can anybody suggest or give a link to the best-practice for clustering Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS). Answer Just as with AD, you don’t cluster AD LDS using MSCS. … Read more

Email address as rdn in Active Directory Application Mode – ADAM

Is it OK to use an email address as the CN attribute in ADAM (I don’t mean the email/mail attribute)? I have a requirement that calls for ADAM for authentication and the user’s email address as the CN (e.g. and It seems odd to have an “@” character in the CN property but … Read more

Setting up ADLDS and managing it with internal ADLDS users

I configured ADLDS according to this blog post. I went further and followed this Microsoft article about allowing internal users to access ADLDS thru ADSI Edit but whatever I do i get access denied (just asking me continuously for login and password). Is there some magic thing I’m missing. I can login with Administrative account … Read more

AD LDS data refreshing from script

I need to setup a white pages servers located into a DMZ, which contains up to date identities information gathered from a remote OpenLDAP server with a specific account. I cannot enable syncrepl ont this server, AND I must use AD LDS as the destination LDAP Server technology. So, basically the identified process is: Once … Read more

I need help to remove mail attributes from AD LDS domain for Bulk Users

Where am I going wrong in the script here? It doesn’t give me any error. But it doesn’t remove $cred= get-credential “s2\svcfimadamadmapeu” $CSV= Get-content ‘.\input.csv’ function UpdateADAMUserDetails { param( [string] $ADCN, [string] $mail ) $domaininfo = new-object DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(“LDAP://,DC=MS,DC=Unilever,DC=COM”,$ADAMCredential.GetNetworkCredential().UserName,$ADAMCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password) $ADAMsearcher = new-object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($domaininfo) $ADAMsearcher.filter = “(&(ObjectClass=userProxyFull)(CN=$ADCN))” $ADAMsearcher.CacheResults = $true $ADAMsearcher.SearchScope = ‘Subtree’ $ADAMsearcher.PageSize = 1000 $ADAMUserAttributes=$ADAMsearcher.FindOne() … Read more

AD LDS (ADAM) replication error 5 – Access is denied

We have two domains – Prod & QA, we have one way sync between the two forests. Requirement is to setup a AD LDS instance between Prod (Master) & QA(Replica), the RPC & AD LDS ports are opened between the two LDS servers. I was able to setup the replica instance on the QA server. … Read more

Application Requires Cross Domain Authentication – No trust

I’ve an application that going forward is going to require cross domain authentication using an AD service account across 2 separate organisations – for example domain A application needs to authenticate with domain B backend. Does anyone know of a way that I could get cross domain authentication working without a domain trust in place … Read more