wifi constantly disconnects, and have bad recption when it’s on ubuntu 16.10

I have a HP-Pavilion-11-x360-PC dual boot: win 8.1 & ubuntu 16.10 for a few months now. My wi-fi on ubuntu has very bad recpetion (at home and at the university, on several networks). I don’t have this problem on windows 8.1. My hardware details: from this command: sudo lshw -c network *-network description: Wireless interface … Read more

Ubuntu 16.10 freezes often suddenly?

Why does my Ubuntu 16.10 freeze so often suddenly after a few months? I have to press the start/ restart button on my machine to reboot the system. Then it works but after a few minute doing stuff, eg. browsing internet, working on a software, etc it freezes again – everything, keys and mouse and … Read more

Append letter before previous name in folder. (Rename) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: How do I easily rename multiple files using command line? (8 answers) Closed 4 years ago. I have multiple folders and each one have around 175 files in it. file names are like 1.wav 2.wav 3.wav …… 175.wav I have to rename them as A1.wav A2.wav A3.wav …… A175.wav … Read more

No Internet on Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak with BT

Apparently, whatever it is that they’ve done with the DNS is now making it completely impossible to connect to the Internet. Granted, I don’t know my way around the network configuration too well, and this will be down to BT blocking DNS servers that aren’t theirs, but it would have been nice to have made … Read more

Ubuntu Software search can’t find any useful software I search for

The new Ubuntu Software (on 16.10) can’t seem to find any useful software I need to install. For example, if I search for any of the software listed below, I get “No Application Found”. geany texlive-latex-extra qtcreator tlp However, I can install all of them fine from the terminal via sudo apt-get install… The discontinued … Read more

Double entry for “files” window title on Nautilus

I am experiencing a strange issue since I upgraded from Ubuntu 16.04 to 16.10 Yakkety Yak. I see a duplicated “files” title on my Nautilus windows. Can anyone tell me why this happens and where I can find a configuration file to fix it ? Answer AttributionSource : Link , Question Author : Enrico Lebanane … Read more

AMD RX480 AMDGPU driver issues

I recently installed an RX480 AMD card using just the open-source AMDGPU drivers, and for the most part it works fine. Unfortunately something goes wrong when the monitors enter stand-by mode, or more to the point: leave stand-by mode. The screen remains black and only the mouse is visible. Weirdly enough, the mouse does change … Read more