STP fixes non-looped network. Dumb switches kill network. Can anyone decipher this wireshark readout for me?

Greets long story short we had a power outage here and when the network came back online it would crash out to a flood of ARP requests.

This would lead to packet storm/network loop, but after careful auditing there appears no looping. I put an older 10/100 managed switch in instead of the gigabit switch that was acting up and it keeps the network up, however upon examining my wireshark readouts I’ve noted an STP error. I figure if I can fix the error I can switch back to the dumb+fast switch…

Here’s a screenshot of some captured STP packets.

Here’s a screenshot of a pre-STP network crash. 192.168.0.x doesn’t exist on this network so that’s kinda curious too..

I’d love to actually FIX this instead of simply solving the symptoms – thank you for your time! 😀


The fix is to get rid of the dumb switch. That is a REAL fix. This is just an evil device waiting to make problems on the network which you will never be able to identify. Things will start being problematic in the strangest corners and everything will lead to software issues until one day, the switch will die. You will put a new switch in and not make the mental relation that forever after your removed that … thing … you are never called by the users complaining that things just freeze and don’t work. Miracle!

Source : Link , Question Author : BurntSilicon , Answer Author : ETL

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