STOP: c000021a, Status 0xc000026c [closed]

After rebooting my Server 2003 cause of an Windows update, if got the following BSOD.

Neither “safe mode” or “last good known configuration” nor checkdisk working.

Cause this error could have be much different reasons, this thread should collect much solutions als possible.

Please only post answers regarding:

STOP:c000021a {Fatal System Error} 
The Session Manager Initialization system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0xc000026c

german error (for Google search)

STOP: c000021a {Schwerer Systemfehler}
Der Systemprozess Session Manager Initialization wurde unerwartet beendet. Status 0xc000026c (0x00000000 0x00000000).
Das System wurde heruntergefahren.


After investigating into this error, I found that KB2761226 overwrites some essential system files:

83.328: Source:C:\WINDOWS\system32\SET8.tmp (5.2.3790.5079)
83.328: Destination:C:\WINDOWS\system32\win32k.sys (5.2.3790.5032)

After replacing the win32k.sys with an old version (simply search your windows drive, there are some backups) the system will boot an running fine.

Source : Link , Question Author : Megachip , Answer Author : Megachip

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