Shortcut key to skip cursor from left/right of every typed word

I want to know if it is even possible to jump my cursor from left/right of every typed word using Vimperator, a Firefox addon that behaves like Vim, including its shortcut keys.

So a good example would be:

I took a marvelous dump right before bed and I so happen to sleep better.-

Now if my cursor is at the end of that sentence (hence the dash) how can I jump my cursor right before the word better by just using a shortcut key?

by default Ctrl+A & Ctrl+E are shortcut keys that brings your cursor to beginning/end of the current line your on.


Try Ctrl+Left Arrow and Ctrl+Right Arrow. In most programs that use a cursor, this makes the cursor move by word.

Source : Link , Question Author : fohrums , Answer Author : bwDraco

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