Sharepoint Wiki: Can you embed anything other than images and hyperilnks? Specifically, .swf?

Is it possible to embed anything other than hyperlinks and pictures in a Sharepoint Wiki? I was trying to insert a client-side .swf flash video, but I am having some trouble, since it seems that <object> tags are being removed. If I can’t embed .swf files, are there video file types I can embed (such as Windows media types) in a wiki?

I believe we are using an older Sharepoint interface (Windows SharePoint Services 3.0), so I’m not sure how much of this applies in Sharepoint 2007 or other Sharepoint versions.


Sharepoint strips those tags by default. You might want to check out this project: to see if it works.

Source : Link , Question Author : Nick Klauer , Answer Author : Adam Brand

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