Sharepoint errror accessing files and opening directories in explorer [closed]

IT replaced my machine with a more powerful one (same OS Windows 7 64 bit Pro) and I no longer can open any MS Office files from Sharepoint. They provide Office 2010 so no solutions from 2013 apply.

When I click on any Word, Excel or PP document in Sharepoint, the corresponding application starts up, but does not open a document. Instead it throws the following error:

enter image description here

Title: Microsoft Word Security Warning

Message: Certificate Error

Description: The application experienced an internal error loading the SSL libraries.

Button: OK

If instead of opening a file I go to Libraries view and click on Open With Explorer button, another window pops up 3 times regardless of OK or Cancel:

enter image description here

Title: Select Certificate

The list contains a 2-way SSL cert which every developer has to install in order to debug one of our applications, and one of my co-worker’s certificate. My certificate is not in the list, and that co-worker never used this machine.

Buttons: OK, Cancel, View Certificate

Finally it asks for my credentials again and pops up this:

enter image description here

The IT is not very confident troubleshooting this problem so I am on my own.

Tried solutions from here but none worked. If I disable any sharepoint and grove add-ons in IE, I can download the file fine, but have no way to upload back. Any non-office file opens fine in IE.


The admin found and altered a GPO which was pushing a wrong TLS setting down. Once the registry key for TLS was altered on the machine, and the change persisted, the issue was fixed.

Source : Link , Question Author : ajeh , Answer Author : ajeh

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