SFTP Account for specific folder

So we’re hosting using Google Cloud and I need to create a specific SFTP account using normal username and password for a specific folder. I prefer not to use SSH keys as this is for non tech people and the directory is rather isolated from the rest of the server.
I don’t seem to find much information regarding this, perhaps someone could point me in the right direction?


SFTP (SSH file transfer protocol) is a protocol that provides file transfer and manipulation capabilities. It can work over any reliable data stream, but is typically used with SSH.

Open sshd_config file.

sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Find the Line containing “PasswordAuthentication” parameter and change its value from “no” to “yes“

PasswordAuthentication yes

Now, restart the “sshd” service using the following command.

sudo service sshd restart

Source : Link , Question Author : FooBar , Answer Author : Harijith R

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