Setting up the domain hosting temporarily and returning back when available [closed]

I was working while DNS hosting of my provider was closed. Provider All IP’s are pinging except for provider’s DNS ip.
By sheer luck my irssi client didn’t loose connection, I switched to ##linux and asked. They said to change /etc/resolv.conf. (nameserver 8.8.88)

Though I need temporarily server, they don’t know how to not to write to file my domain hosting. I’m working and could forget and parameters and totally about it, so I need a temporary solution.
And if it is possible a quick dispatch to return and use my original /etc/resolf.conv


If this is for local domain resolution, you could just add the google DNS server as a secondary or tertiary server, that way, when your primary returns, it will the first server consulted.

Source : Link , Question Author : Xsi , Answer Author : NickW

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