Same Interface routing with ICMP-Redirect disabled? [closed]

I don’t want to talk around the bush for long. I disagree with a friend how a router would behave in a special configuration. Unfortunately I can’t test it here to check my point of view. Specifically, the router should not perform ICMP redirects.

I’m of the opinion that the router would still route on the same interface if its routing table requires it to, even if ICMP redirects are disabled.
My friend is of the opinion that the router with disabled ICMP redirects would not route on the same interface.

Does anyone know how the router would behave? Is there a RFC? Is this different from router to router? I am grateful for any assistance.


There aren’t any limitations of routing traffic back through same interface. Disabling/enabling sending of ICMP redirects doesn’t change principles of routing itself. Just if the ICMP redirects sending is enabled, the additional ICMP messages are sent to optimize the routing path, but the original packets are routed anyway.

Source : Link , Question Author : Runamaus , Answer Author : Anton Danilov

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