Running chkdsk on a disk partition without a drive letter

I have a hard drive that shows up in Disk Management as having two partitions.

One of the partitions says 69.71GB and that’s it. The other says 4.82GB and, underneath that, Healthy (OEM Partition).

I’m trying to do chkdsk on the 69.71GB partition and am unsure of how to do it without a drive letter.

It’s an NTFS partition that’s gotten corrupted. Linux’s ntfsfix spits out a bunch of errors so I’m thinking chkdsk might be better.


Try this.

Open a command prompt. Execute the mountvol command which will tell you all the volumes on your system and give you the GUID of them.

    *** NO MOUNT POINTS ***



I bet the one you won’t have a drive letter but Windows should still give it a GUID if it’s a valid and recognized partition.

Then run CHKDSK in this fashion:

chkdsk "\\?\Volume{eb38d03c-29ed-11e2-be65-806e6f6e6963}"

Worked on my system but my volume had a drive letter. Use /f and other switches as appropriate.

Source : Link , Question Author : neubert , Answer Author : Cristian Ciupitu

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