Running a command in Powershell and running the exe gives different results

This is really odd.

I have a so called Perforce Helix server on my Windows 2016 server.

Now on this server there is an exe called p4d now if i go to the Powershell and run p4d it runs the command starts the “correct” server and i am able to connect and see all my users.

If i then stop the command and go to the folder where the exe is located and run that a completely different server is starting meaning that all our code base and users are different.

I have attempted to find out of there are multiple p4d exe’s on my machine however only 1 could be located. And true enough if I run the command:

get-command p4d

It returns the actual location of the exe that when is run opens a different server.

Can anyone tell me what the problem might be? Has anyone faced a similar issue? This is a huge problem because it means that i cannot make the it to a service and run it on startup.


Source : Link , Question Author : Marc Rasmussen , Answer Author : Community

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